Trump Thanks Supporters Outside Miami Courthouse

Former President Donald Trump expressed his heartfelt appreciation to those who assembled peacefully outside Miami’s Wilkie D. Ferguson Jr. U.S. Courthouse this Tuesday.

Via a video on Truth Social, Trump voiced his gratitude towards those who backed him during his indictment on 37 counts connected to retaining classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago Club.

He extended special thanks to members of the Hispanic community who rallied in support, acknowledging the presence of individuals from Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.

“So many individuals! I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude to everyone. It was touching to see. The affection! The absolute affection and spirit,” Trump stated. “So, once more, to Miami and all its residents, … a heartfelt thank you for your presence. I truly appreciate it.”

Trump firmly denied all charges, which include breaches of the Espionage Act and unlawful retention of national security documents pertaining to nuclear programs, defense and weaponry capabilities, and a Pentagon “attack strategy.”

His expression of gratitude comes as he contemplates another bid for the presidency, with his leading Republican primary adversary for 2024 being Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis.

Trump lost Miami-Dade County to Hillary Clinton by nearly 30 percentage points in the 2016 election, but he managed to reduce that gap in 2020, losing to President Joe Biden by a mere eight points in the metropolitan region.

