Trump Holds Tight Lead Over Biden in Emerson College’s Latest Survey

In a recent Emerson College Polling study, a potential 2024 presidential face-off places ex-President Donald Trump slightly ahead of the current President Joe Biden with scores of 47% to 45%.

The results fall within a 2.4% margin of error. Trump’s campaign has highlighted this survey as it also demonstrates his strong lead among GOP primary contenders:

  • Trump garners the support of 59% of Republican primary voters.
  • Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis both receive 8% backing.
  • Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is favored by 4%.
  • Mike Pence, the former Vice President, and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy each have the support of 3%.
    On the Democrat side:
  • Biden is the top choice for 70% of primary voters.
  • Marianne Williamson gets 10% approval.
  • 20% remain unsure of their pick.

Additionally, when it comes to assessing Biden’s approach to the situation in Israel:

  • 41% of participants believe he’s done an excellent job.
  • 23% think it’s been good.
  • A quarter, 24%, feel it’s fair, while 36% rate it as poor.

The poll, which gathered responses from 1,578 participants, took place between Oct. 16 and 17.

