Trump Holds 6 Point Lead Over Biden?

A recent survey conducted by the Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll reveals that in a hypothetical 2024 presidential race, Donald Trump is outperforming President Joe Biden by 6 percentage points. This lead persists in spite of the former president’s indictment on 37 felony charges tied to alleged mismanagement of classified information, as disclosed by The Hill.

If the polls were to close today, 45% of those polled indicated they would cast their votes for Trump, while 39% expressed their support for Biden. An additional 15% of respondents remained undecided or admitted they didn’t know who they would vote for.

On Tuesday, Trump refuted the charges levied against him, labeling them as “untrue and concocted allegations.”

Trump asserted that he was fully entitled to possess those documents and appealed to the prosecutors to dismiss the charges right away, claiming their actions are causing harm to the nation.

According to Mark Penn, joint director of the Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, the charges against Trump have not made any dent in his lead over Biden, whose job approval rating stands steady at 43%.

The poll further revealed that in a theoretical matchup, more respondents would support Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis, against Biden, with a narrow lead of 41% to 40%.

The poll, a joint initiative of the Center for American Political Studies at Harvard University and the Harris Poll, was conducted between June 14th and June 15th, surveying 2,090 respondents.

The online survey data, derived from the Harris Panel, was adjusted to mirror known demographic statistics. The survey did not provide a probability confidence interval.

