Trump Calls for Autoworkers’ Support: ‘I’ll Make You Victorious & Rich’

In recent developments, ex-President Donald Trump has taken a stance on the United Auto Workers strike, urging them to lend him their support and criticizing President Joe Biden’s initiatives on electric vehicles.

“Joe Biden’s policies are plunging the United Autoworkers into an ‘electric car illusion,'” Trump remarked on Truth Social this past Sunday. “These cars will be manufactured in China, embodying Joe’s affinity for prioritizing China. Autoworkers, support me and I’ll usher you into prosperity and success.”

Contrary to Trump’s plea, UAW President Shawn Fain indicated that any endorsement for Biden in the forthcoming presidential elections would not be easily granted.

“Deeds, not mere statements, will dictate our endorsement,” Fain mentioned during a conversation on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” this Sunday. He emphasized that any endorsement from their end would need to be “deserved.”

Not deterred, Trump endeavored to gain traction amongst the labor force, diverging from the more traditional approach of seeking the backing of union leaders.

“Should your ‘guides’ refuse to support me, make it a priority to replace them immediately,” elaborated Trump in his message. “Under the administration of the Democrats and ‘Dishonest Joe’, the chances of facing unemployment and financial struggles within a span of 4 years are heightened.”

Fain vocalized the necessity for remuneration that mirrors that of the executives in auto corporations.

“Seeking a 40% wage growth is justifiable, considering the CEO’s compensation surged by 40% over the previous four years,” Fain articulated on “Face the Nation.”

“They have accumulated immense wealth.

“Our requirements are rational. We are seeking equitable participation in this economy and a reasonable compensation for our contributions.”

Trump is encouraging the autoworkers to favor him instead of Biden in the upcoming elections.

“Do keep in mind, Biden is an individual with questionable integrity, having amassed substantial wealth from China and other sources,” Trump accentuated towards the end of his message. “He embodies a puppet candidate, influenced by external forces!”

