Trump Blasts ‘Deranged’ Special Counsel Smith

Ex-President Donald Trump harshly criticized “unhinged” Special Counsel Jack Smith, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Senate leaders regarding the grand jury probe into the Capitol riot on Jan. 6 and attempts to invalidate the 2020 presidential elections.

Trump, presently the foremost candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential ticket, took to Truth Social late Sunday and early Monday to denounce what he termed as “judicial overreach” and “intrusion in elections.”

“In how many instances can the questionable Department of Justice under Joe Biden, in collaboration with their local Democrat District Attorneys & Attorney Generals, charge his political rival throughout the campaign? Are they aware of the harm being inflicted on America? The situation will only worsen. We need to prevent these “beasts” from further wreaking havoc on our nation!” Trump posted on Sunday night.

“Do you believe that A.G. Garland, and Unhinged Jack Smith, comprehend that we are in the midst of a significant political contest for the U.S. presidency? Have they examined recent opinion polls? Why didn’t they impose these absurd charges years earlier – Why choose to enforce them now – An almost unprecedented situation? Judicial overreach! Intrusion in elections!” Trump added a few minutes later.

On Monday morning, Trump targeted Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican leadership in the Senate.

“Joe Biden is the most dishonest President in U.S. history, as is being conclusively shown in the House of Representatives every single day. Yet, despite these shocking revelations and facts, why has the Republican “leadership” in the Senate remained silent and not censured Corrupt Joe Biden and the extreme Left Democrats, Fascists, and Marxists for their unlawful deeds against our Nation, some of them aimed at me. How long must America wait for the Senate to TAKE ACTION?” Trump posted.

Former Vice President Mike Pence disclosed to CNN that he wasn’t convinced that Trump’s behaviors leading up to the Capitol riot were unlawful.

