Senators Urge Biden’s ‘Full Attention’ on Freeing Hostages

A group of senators from both political parties, headed by Rick Scott (R-Fla.) and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), have penned a letter to President Joe Biden. They’re pressing the president to maintain a focus on ensuring the safe return of American citizens captured in Gaza. This letter, endorsed by 46 senators including leading Democrat Cory Booker (D-N.J.), was delivered on Tuesday. It highlighted the grave situation, noting, “Hamas is responsible for the deaths of 30 Americans, and there’s a possibility many more are injured. These terrorists employ human shields and have threatened to broadcast the killings of captives live. Given that a number of U.S. nationals are unaccounted for following the group’s violent assault, we emphasize the need for your unwavering commitment to securing their release. The gravity of the situation demands immediate action.” On Thursday, the State Department revised the death toll of Americans, reporting 32 fatalities and 11 individuals still unaccounted for. There’s a strong likelihood that Hamas is holding some or all of the missing persons. The senators further emphasized their position, stating, “We call upon the U.S. to stand by Israel’s pressing efforts to neutralize the Hamas threat, allocate the required resources to bolster Israel’s defense mechanisms, and extend all necessary support to swiftly and securely save the abducted Americans. Special focus should be on those in dire need of medical attention.” Additionally, they stressed, “We hope you’ll rally our regional allies and partners to exert influence on Hamas, ensuring that the International Committee of the Red Cross is granted access to the captives, while collaborative efforts between the U.S. and Israel are underway to ensure their safe return.” Recent signals from Israel indicate a potential ground operation in Gaza as they intensify their military response. In the face of Hamas’s recent aggression, which began roughly a fortnight ago, Israel has committed to removing the threat posed by the group. This conflict has led to the tragic loss of over 1,400 Israeli lives, with the majority being civilians.

