Rep. Burlison: Joe Biden Was Hunter’s ‘Brand’

Rep. Eric Burlison commented about the allegations surrounding Hunter Biden, implying that Hunter was capitalizing on his father’s position, then-Vice President Joe Biden. 

The Missouri Republican remarked, “Many might think Hunter was simply managing a small venture from his father’s residence, but that’s far from the truth.” He further stated that Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s previous business collaborator, confessed before the House Oversight Committee, “The primary influence they marketed was Joe Biden.”

Chairman of the Oversight Committee, James Comer, R-Ky., highlighted bank transactions from China in 2019 that were seemingly directed to the Delaware residence of the then-vice president. This revelation prompted a response from the White House, dismissing the allegations as “incomplete implications and speculative theories that again offer no concrete proof of any misstep by President Biden.”

However, Burlison wasn’t easily convinced. He raised questions, saying, “If there was no business involvement between the father and son, why did meetings occur between the senior Biden, Russian, and Kazakhstan magnates, who reportedly transferred substantial amounts to Hunter in 2014? Furthermore, why did Joe Biden use an alias, Robert L. Peters, to send almost a thousand emails to his son’s business accounts?”

With Biden’s impeachment inquiry testimonies beginning Thursday, Burlison informed Newsmax of their strategy to “rely solely on verified information.”

He stressed, “Bank statements are factual. So are these documents. When you find emails from 2017 mentioning a ‘10% cut for the main person’, and subsequently, funds are directly transferred to that individual’s residence, it raises significant concerns.”

