McConnell Lauds McCarthy’s ‘Unapologetic Patriotism’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky issued a statement on Tuesday evening, reflecting on the removal of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy of California earlier in the day:

“Kevin McCarthy has my deepest appreciation for his dedication to our country in a role that often goes without due recognition. His time as Speaker was marked by significant battles, but as he underscored upon taking up the mantle, ‘our nation deserves our relentless effort.’

“McCarthy’s drive for meaningful pursuits led a slim majority to achieve monumental strides for the American populace and conservative ideals. His courage in tackling the most pressing issues ensured the United States maintained its trusted reputation and set an example for peers on how to gracefully navigate varied outcomes.

“Representing California’s 20th congressional district, Speaker McCarthy elevated its aspirations and worries to the forefront of national discourse. He passionately took on the responsibility of being the prime guardian of the Capitol, ushering American families into the heart of their democratic institution.

“My personal gratitude extends to McCarthy for our shared endeavors. As we, the Congressional Republicans, press on with the vital initiatives sparked during his leadership, his unwavering love for the country and eternal hopefulness will continue to inspire us.”

