Larry Elder: Trump Won This Debate Again

In a recent interview with Newsmax following the second GOP presidential debate, Larry Elder opined that even in his absence, Donald Trump emerged as the indisputable winner, echoing his perceived dominance in the first debate.

Elder described Trump as an unavoidable presence, likening him to a “massive elephant in the room.” Current polls indicate that Trump has a notable lead over Joe Biden, especially given the public’s dissatisfaction with Biden’s handling of the economy, border security, and rising crime rates. Elder applauded Trump’s choice to skip the debate and instead address blue-collar workers in Michigan, which included members of the United Auto Workers union.

Drawing attention to Trump’s charismatic appeal, Elder stated, “While some have lauded Bill Clinton’s political showmanship in the past, for me, Donald Trump tops the list. He’s humorous, sharp, and intelligent. Under his leadership, our economy thrived and our borders were fortified.”

Elder also hinted at his willingness to join Trump’s ticket if approached, saying, “If Trump phones me with a proposal, I’m answering.”

Furthermore, Elder voiced his dissatisfaction with his exclusion from the first GOP debate. He’s approached the Federal Election Commission with a grievance regarding this matter. Elder explained that even though he had met the criteria by submitting three qualifying polls, the RNC’s decision to disqualify one affiliated with Trump left him sidelined.

Contradicting the RNC’s stance, the polling firm in question, Rasmussen, clarified that they aren’t tied to Trump in any way.

Adding to the debate’s intrigue, Elder raised an eyebrow at California’s Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom’s presence in the debate’s “spin room.” Shortly before the debate, Newsom appeared on Univision, addressing various topics, including the views of the GOP candidates on immigration, abortion, and environmental concerns, as covered by The Wall Street Journal. Newsom revealed that he was attending the debate at the request of President Joe Biden to support the Biden-Harris campaign.

However, Elder was critical of Newsom’s positions, terming him “an even greater environmental hawk than Biden.” He challenged Newsom to pinpoint any policy of his that would bring positive change. In conclusion, Elder labeled Newsom as “a radical left enthusiast,” expressing optimism for the GOP’s prospects in the upcoming 2024 elections.

