Israeli Exposes This Scheme Against Hamas

At a recent media briefing, Hanegbi emphasized Israel’s determination to dismantle both Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad in their military and political capacities.

“It’s imperative that such extremist groups no longer have a stronghold in the Gaza Strip,” he declared. The country’s defense and security committees had come to this resolution after extensive discussions.

“A significant portion of the Israeli populace shares this viewpoint,” he highlighted. According to Hanegbi, all Israelis recognize the necessity of action against Hamas, emphasizing that it was unthinkable for Israel’s border towns to remain in peril.

Hanegbi mentioned a paradigm shift among Israel’s top leadership and security personnel. The previous approach since Hamas’s ascendancy in Gaza 16 years ago has been abandoned. He underscored the change by referencing the government’s move away from intermittent military interventions that aimed at curbing, not eradicating, Hamas to ensure temporary peace.

The events of October 7 shattered any misconceptions about the adversary’s potential self-preservation, he noted. Addressing the potential of conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hanegbi confirmed the readiness of ample reserve troops along the Lebanese frontier and the evacuation of civilians for their protection.

In response to a journalist’s query about Israel’s stance on the Hezbollah threat, given the newly articulated strategic vision, Hanegbi acknowledged the importance of the question, noting its relevance. He cautioned against prematurely engaging with Hezbollah, which would benefit the opposition by diluting Israel’s resources and attention. Nevertheless, once Hamas is addressed, Israel will have to turn its attention northwards.

Highlighting a prime objective of the prime minister, Hanegbi spoke of the return of over 240 individuals held by Hamas. While addressing concerns about potential risks to these captives due to military action in Gaza, he cited the recent IDF-led rescue of Pvt. Ori Megidish. He also clarified that there are currently no active negotiations and emphasized Hamas’s shifting priorities from prisoner exchanges to its preservation.

Expressing gratitude to the US for their support, Hanegbi described it as crucial for Israel’s robust stand against extremist violence. He stressed Israel’s commitment to differentiating between militants and civilians, ensuring the latter have access to secure regions in southern Gaza and international aid. 

“Our dedication to the principles of warfare ensures not only our legitimacy but also the sustainability of our military operations until we achieve our objectives,” Hanegbi remarked.

Addressing reports of waning international backing for Israel, Hanegbi confirmed regular communication between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, highlighting their unified objective: the complete removal of Hamas.

“The shared vision between us and the US greatly benefits our defense strategy,” he added.

Lastly, in response to a question about global antisemitism, Hanegbi referenced historical texts and Israel’s long history with such prejudice. Drawing from Talmudic teachings, he said, “While we might have been late in confronting Hamas, we’ve now taken action.”

