Gaetz: Trump Could Get Immunity by Testifying Before House

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., presented a novel proposal on Tuesday: invite former President Donald Trump to testify as a whistleblower before a House committee and offer him immunity from potential prosecution by special counsel Jack Smith.

Gaetz shared this notion while appearing on “The Charlie Kirk Show.”

Gaetz stressed the importance of Congress, particularly a GOP-dominated House, to “assert its rights” against what they perceive as the unwarranted targeting of Trump. A way to achieve this, he suggested, is by inviting Trump to testify.

“Trump can be invited to testify in Congress and in the process, be granted immunity,” Gaetz explained to Kirk. He noted that while there are different levels of immunity, complete immunity would necessitate a supermajority vote in the House.

He added, “If Speaker [Kevin] McCarthy established a select committee, they could potentially invite Trump and grant him immunity. This would pave the way for us to carry on our valid investigations into the Bidens and the allegedly compromised DOJ.”

When asked for historical precedence of this approach, Gaetz acknowledged that “it hasn’t been a common practice recently.”

Gaetz continued, discussing the Fifth Amendment rights, saying, “One’s right to plead the Fifth can be nullified if they’re granted immunity. Congress has recognized this power. Granting immunity would cover any testimony provided to Congress and any potential outcomes from that testimony.”

He gave an example: “If Trump came forward, testifying about the alleged witch hunt and perceived misuse of criminal procedures, Congress would have a legitimate oversight interest in resolving these issues. Any testimony provided could be protected under immunity.”

Describing the concept further, Gaetz likened it to “whistleblower protections,” hinting at Trump as the “ultimate whistleblower” who might benefit from such Congressional immunity.

He also clarified, “This doesn’t mean Trump can freely discuss the federal accusations against him to undermine special counsel Jack Smith’s case.”

He went on to explain, “The broadest areas of immunity for President Trump could involve the conspiracy and rights deprivation charges. These charges, brought forward by Jack Smith, are hard to even articulate seriously.”

However, Gaetz did acknowledge potential risks. “Whenever someone testifies, they could potentially reveal information leading to other charges.”

But he emphasized the gravity of the current scenario, stating, “We might not fully grasp the battle we’re immersed in.”

Testifying before Congress isn’t usually a pleasant experience, as Gaetz noted. “Currently, the Department of Justice appears to be operating as the enforcement arm of the Democratic party,” he said. “We’re witnessing aggressive targeting of our supporters, our movement, and our former president. If Congress passively accepts this narrative, it inadvertently gives credibility to that very narrative.”

