Comer Addresses Calls for Biden Probe to Move Faster

Rep. James Comer of Kentucky voiced his understanding on a recent Newsmax show regarding the concerns of Republicans who feel that the House is moving slowly in its investigation into the business dealings of President Joe Biden and his family members.

He pointed out the apparent double standard, noting that Democrats seem relentless in their investigations, issuing multiple indictments against ex-President Donald Trump and his team.

Comer emphasized the importance of constructing a robust case against Hunter Biden, the president’s son, and other family members, ensuring it’s unassailable.

Speaking on “Rob Schmitt Tonight”, Comer, who heads the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, mentioned that the objective for House Republicans is to formulate a case that’s legally solid, especially as President Biden appears determined to keep his personal bank records confidential.

He noted, “While I could constantly seek attention online and possibly raise funds, that wouldn’t guarantee success. Republicans have faced defeats in the past. We’re implementing a new approach now. Our method involves proper information gathering, and it’s the reason why [Attorney General] Merrick Garland decided on a special counsel [for Hunter Biden] despite initially rejecting the idea. We believe we’ve built a court-worthy case.”

With subpoena power for just half a year following their 2022 midterm victory, Comer highlighted significant achievements by House Republicans. These include revealing allegations tied to Biden’s tenure as vice president during the Obama administration and intervening in a favorable plea deal for Hunter Biden that would have allowed him to sidestep jail time over tax and gun-related charges.

Comer added, “Though I wish the process was faster, considering past congressional investigations or the Durham report, our progress is commendable. Since getting subpoena power, we’ve identified $21 million through 20 shell companies tied to nine Biden family members. Most of these discoveries pertained to Joe Biden’s vice presidency period. This information was unknown before our majority win.”

He also drew attention to thwarting a favorable plea deal, stating it was a significant move in ensuring accountability in Washington.

Comer asserted that House Republicans possess a more compelling case against the Bidens than what Democratic prosecutors have against Trump, who faces multiple charges. Trump and his allies have consistently labeled these allegations as politically driven attempts to obstruct his potential 2024 presidential run.

Defensively, Comer stated, “Our case is built on concrete evidence. As we gather more testimonies and bank records, our aim remains to present the truth to Americans. Depending on the evidence, impeachment might be on the table.”

He concluded by addressing challenges in their investigation, saying, “Despite claims that we can’t prove any wrongdoing by Joe Biden, there are bank accounts, which we believe funded many of his daily expenses, that are being kept from our scrutiny.”

