Biden Allegedly Funded Israel Attack Through Iran

Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt and Senior Fellow of the America First Policy Institute, Fred Fleitz, shared their concerns about the recent Hamas assault on Israel. They believe the attack was potentially enabled by the $6 billion in frozen assets the Biden administration unveiled for Iran.

“The situation is concerning, and it’s here to stay,” Holt mentioned. “Israel isn’t simply responding; they’re dealing with a large-scale conflict. Israel’s defense head pinpointed not just Hamas but Iran as adversaries. This escalation is monumental. Notably, with situations in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and now Israel, the current [American] administration’s response has been tepid at best.”

Drawing from his CIA analyst background, Fleitz highlighted, “It seems there was a significant oversight in Israel’s intelligence. Evasive communications, concealed training, and guidance were evident. My inclination is that Iranian instructors might be in Gaza. Such security lapses shouldn’t occur. There are growing concerns about the perceived rift between America and Israel under Biden’s leadership, which might have given terrorists more courage.”

Regarding the U.S.’s decision to release $6 billion to Iran, Holt commented, “We need to adopt a strategic approach. With these funds, Iran has amplified its reach. Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, has made it clear that they’ll utilize this money as they see fit. Proxies like Islamic jihad, Hezbollah, and some Syrian factions might escalate their offenses against Israel. Furthermore, sentiments from Qatar and Saudi Arabia’s governments suggest that Israel is being blamed.”

Highlighting the U.S.’s stance on Iran, Fleitz said, “The Biden administration has been too lenient, even allowing Iran to refine uranium nearing weapon capabilities. This has surely empowered Iran and its allies. This administration began funding Palestinians right from the outset. There’s evidence suggesting they were aware of the potential spike in terror activities, but they proceeded nonetheless.”

