Zelenskyy: US Investment Helping to Save Democracy

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke about the critical support the United States has offered Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Zelenskyy pointed out that since Russia’s invasion in February 2022, the U.S. has provided Ukraine with over $100 billion in military, financial, and humanitarian assistance. Amid questions from some U.S. legislators about whether the country prioritizes Ukraine over its interests, Zelenskyy expressed gratitude for the bipartisan backing.

Conveying his appreciation through a translator in a conversation with Greta Van Susteren, Zelenskyy thanked President Joe Biden and U.S. politicians from both sides of the aisle. He stressed the significance of America’s investment in safeguarding democracy, emphasizing that the stakes could be high for Ukraine and the world. 

“If Ukraine falls, Putin won’t stop there. He will likely target NATO member states,” he warned. “This would then force the U.S. and its allies to make the difficult decision of sending their young men and women into another conflict.”

During his time in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, Zelenskyy further stated that while the financial toll of the war is hefty, the human cost is the most devastating. He argued that Ukraine is successfully defending itself and that by doing so, the country is saving both American and global resources in the long run.

“It’s a grim topic, but if we’re talking about cost, defending Ukraine is less expensive for the U.S. and the international community than potentially having to send their youth into a larger war,” he stated. “We’re not just fighting for Ukraine; we’re fighting for shared democratic values.”

Lastly, Zelenskyy cautioned that the ripple effects would be felt globally if Russia overcomes Ukraine. He echoed the concerns of President Biden and U.S. politicians across the spectrum that a Russian victory could encourage China to act against Taiwan.

“If the international community allows Russia to succeed, it could serve as a green light for other aggressive nations to annex territories and endanger lives,” he concluded. “The implications wouldn’t be limited to Ukraine; it could endanger the stability and security of various nations, including the U.S.”

