Trump’s Pro-Israel Record: Lara Speaks Out

Lara Trump, the daughter-in-law of former President Donald Trump and a top advisor during his 2020 campaign, spoke fervently about her father-in-law’s unwavering support for Israel. During her appearance on “Newsline,” Lara elaborated on several actions undertaken by Donald Trump to bolster US-Israel relations.

She pointed out that it was Trump who pulled the US out of the Iran nuclear deal and took decisive actions like relocating the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Additionally, he acknowledged the significance of the Golan Heights to the Israeli people. Lara emphasized, “The support Israel received from Donald Trump was unparalleled. The current scenario feels like a complete reversal.”

Her remarks came shortly after a violent attack on Israel by Hamas, which resulted in over 1,200 casualties. Lara expressed her dismay over President Joe Biden’s delayed public address concerning the attack. Notably, she highlighted that during Biden’s subsequent speech from the White House, he didn’t reference Iran, despite many analysts implicating the nation in funding and aiding the aggression.

Lamenting the current state of affairs, Lara stated, “A lot of the chaos we’re witnessing could potentially have been sidestepped with a more assertive leader at the helm. The situation urgently requires formidable leadership, both domestically and internationally. The silence or insufficient response from the current administration is deeply concerning, especially considering the dire situation in Israel.”

Lara Trump also criticized the Biden administration for hosting a barbecue at the White House shortly after the onset of the attacks. She found it especially insensitive considering the American casualties, including those taken hostage by Hamas during the assault.

Furthermore, she made mention of a recent deal between the US and Iran that led to the release of $6 billion in previously frozen assets. Lara expressed strong reservations about this move, questioning the administration’s priorities. “Engaging with terrorists to access frozen funds is a strategy we should never adopt. It’s like we’re placating them,” she remarked.

