Trump Wins Debate Without Attending

Even without setting foot on the debate platform on Wednesday, former President Donald Trump overshadowed his Republican peers, commented author and veteran TV personality Bill O’Reilly.

Trump, leading the pack by a significant lead for the 2024 GOP presidential race, opted out of the debate. Instead, he addressed automobile workers in Michigan.

“Trump essentially took the debate spotlight. None of the seven contenders on that stage could overshadow a figure like Trump,” O’Reilly shared on “Eric Bolling The Balance.” “Joining the debate would’ve been of no advantage to him. His lead is so significant, that there’s hardly anyone who could narrow that gap.

“If all primary votes were cast tomorrow, Trump would undoubtedly clinch the nomination. Barring any unexpected developments, I find it hard to believe any Republican adversary could challenge Trump’s momentum given his solid and devoted base, particularly his fervent MAGA supporters.”

Promoting his new release, “Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts,” O’Reilly opined that a large portion of Americans, disillusioned by the progressive direction steered by Democrats and their figurehead, Joe Biden, view Trump as their champion.

“Countless conservatives, Republicans, and those who value traditional American principles are deeply frustrated by today’s cancel culture, the woke mentality, and Biden’s perceived missteps,” he remarked. “They’re in search of a defender. Trump positions himself as that very defender, promising to address those who’ve brought turmoil to the nation.”

