Trump: Soros ‘Desperate’ to Stop Me in 2024

Recently conveyed to his adherents on a Wednesday, former President Donald Trump expressed apprehensions that well-known tycoon George Soros, along with his family, are marshaling their resources to obstruct his potential bid to regain his position at the helm of the Oval Office.

The message, endorsed by Trump, drew attention to a headline from the Post Millennial, which mentioned a notable shift in the strategies and financial allocations of Soros’ son, with a keen eye on thwarting the resurgence of the MAGA movement in the 2024 elections.

“George Soros is fiercely determined to halt our progress,” Trump asserted in the email. “The Soros lineage is channeling substantial funds to ‘counteract MAGA’ in the forthcoming 2024 elections.”

It is critical to note that these statements were circulated well before any official legal proceedings were initiated or before DeSantis joined the electoral fray. According to Trump, these developments have now transpired, with more anticipated to unfold in the time ahead.

According to Trump, the “Soros lineage has unveiled their strategy for the 2024 electoral season: to invest exhaustively to thwart the citizens from influencing the future of their nation.”

This appeal for vigilance follows an insightful op-ed by Alex Soros in Politico, wherein the philanthropist, who maintains a strong connection with Democratic circles and progressive figureheads, delineated the impending adjustments to the initiatives undertaken by the Open Society Foundations (OSF), the entity chaired by him and established by his father. The organization previously opposed the nationalistic policies advanced during Trump’s tenure.

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Alex Soros emphasized in his article that a triumph for the MAGA faction in the impending U.S. elections might pose a graver risk to the European Union than to America, elucidating his entity’s choice to curtail their backing of progressive movements throughout Europe.

He speculated that a victory for Trump in 2024 could jeopardize the coherence of the European continent and roll back the advances made in the wake of the Ukrainian conflict.

“We are modulating our objectives on the European front per the demands of the current scenario,” Alex Soros elucidated. “This necessitates relinquishing certain domains of engagement as we adapt to the immediate trials and those anticipated in the near future.”

The fundraising communique issued by Trump cautioned that Soros’ recalibration signifies a “frenzied” effort to muster substantial resources to oppose him and combat the MAGA doctrine.

Trump highlighted in his letter, “George Soros has already sanctioned a whopping $50 million to secure a stronghold on the 2024 presidency, with an associated Super PAC expending an additional $75 million.”

He further underscored that Soros is the “PRIME FINANCIAL BACKER in the U.S. political arena, transcending party boundaries.

“Presently, his offspring is gearing up to allocate millions more to quash our thriving campaign.

“In unity, we can surpass Soros’ financial input and prevent his lineage from acquiring influence over the 2024 presidential mandate.”

Trump professed that his adversary status in Soros’ view was earned due to the radical transformations he initiated during his presidency.

“The obscure vested groups recognize that our campaign poses the utmost challenge to their stronghold on authority,” Trump stated in his closing remarks.

