Trump Captures This Big of a Lead In GOP Race

A recent Civiqs/Iowa State University poll highlights that over half of probable Republican caucus-goers in Iowa prefer ex-President Donald Trump, with 54% support. In comparison, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis emerges as the second favorite, garnering 18% backing.

Key findings of the poll include:

  • Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, is supported by 12% of respondents.
  • Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy receives 6% favorability.
  • Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has the backing of 3% of those surveyed.
  • South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who has paused his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, is favored by 2%.
  • No other candidate achieved a minimum of 2% support.

The survey, conducted from November 10 to 15, included 432 likely Republican caucus attendees. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 5.9 percentage points.

