Top Prosecutor in Trump Case Had Shady Past?

Legal documents reveal that the primary attorney in the classified documents case involving ex-President Donald Trump was earlier reprimanded for unprofessional conduct in a federal narcotics lawsuit, as reported by the New York Post.

Karen Gilbert, who is currently a pivotal figure on Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team, was compelled to resign as the leader of the narcotics division in the Miami U.S. Attorney’s office due to her participation in unauthorized wiretapping of a defense attorney back in 2009, as per court files.

In the same period, Gilbert found herself in conflict with Florida family medicine doctor, Dr. Ali Shaygan. In June 2007, Shaygan’s patient, James Brendan Downey, tragically passed away after being prescribed methadone. Amid the legal proceedings, Gilbert, along with her colleague Sean Cronin, suspected the defense of manipulating witnesses. Without approval from then local U.S. Attorney, R. Alexander Acosta, they took the decision to wiretap Shaygan’s legal representative. Unfortunately, despite Gilbert’s unethical tactics, the wiretap yielded no valuable insights.

In a conversation with the Post, Shaygan, who was acquitted of all charges, voiced his opinion that Gilbert is unsuitable to serve as a federal prosecutor.

“I have no reason to think that she would conduct herself ethically under any circumstances,” Shaygan expressed. “I don’t think it’s right for her to remain an employee of the Department of Justice. She was nothing but a collection of falsehoods.”

Post Shaygan’s case verdict, it was noted that Gilbert and her team had demonstrated “bad faith” and “gross negligence”. Consequently, U.S. District Judge Alan Gold instructed the government to compensate $601,795 in legal expenses to Shaygan.

“The government recognizes and profoundly regrets its severe errors,” the Justice Department confessed in court documents.

Federal Election Commission records also highlight that Gilbert has faced backlash over her past political contributions to Democratic candidates pursuing federal positions. This includes donations exceeding $2,000 to the presidential campaigns of former President Barack Obama and the current President Joe Biden.

Earlier this week, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., forwarded a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, asking for the identities of all those involved in the Trump lawsuit.

“It should be evident that performing a thorough assessment on an office that seems to have neglected to properly evaluate its own staff, or worse, may intentionally be trying to employ penalized lawyers and partisan executioners (both male and female), is a completely justified objective and a minor reason I am seeking this information,” Gaetz composed.

