Rep. Gaetz: House Trying to ‘Correct’ McCarthy ‘Failures’

Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz expressed strong criticism towards House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, emphasizing what he sees as McCarthy’s shortcomings in addressing the ongoing budget crisis.

Gaetz remarked, “Kevin McCarthy has seemingly cornered us into a situation where we’re nearing a point of depleted government funding, and we haven’t yet greenlit specialized spending bills. While we were earnestly trying to address this pressing matter, McCarthy decided to adjourn the session. This isn’t some relaxed work schedule. With only a handful of legislative days remaining before potential financial gridlock, McCarthy appears to be evading his responsibilities.”

When questioned about his own ambitions for the role of Speaker of the House, Gaetz responded, “I simply don’t possess the broad support that’s essential for such a position.”

He went on to add, “While I believe McCarthy’s leadership leaves much to be desired, I’m encouraged by recent collaborative efforts. Lately, moderate and conservative Republicans have been coming together to chart a constructive path forward.”

Gaetz further discussed the current state of government spending, “We’re now critically evaluating individual spending bills, requiring agencies to defend their budget requests individually, rather than having them all grouped together. Since 1997, the nation’s spending has predominantly been dictated by either a continuing resolution or an omnibus bill. Both approaches lump every agency together, leading to a singular vote to either fund or not fund the entire operation. This isn’t a serious approach to governance. Thankfully, we’re shifting away from it, thanks to individuals like New York Congressman Marc Molinaro and others.”

Addressing speculation about his political future, Gaetz was clear, “Any talk of me running for Florida’s governorship in 2026 is unfounded. My current priority is to reform the way the House operates, focusing on returning to the appropriations process, endorsing specialized spending bills, and pushing for votes on term limits and balanced budgets.”

