Rep. Comer: Wires From China Bore Biden’s Delaware Address

On Tuesday, Rep. James Comer made a statement indicating that two bank wire payments from Chinese individuals were directed to President Joe Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware residence. These payments were said to be for Biden’s son, Hunter.

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability identified one of the Chinese persons as Jonathan Li, who had previously established business ties with Hunter Biden during the period Joe Biden served as vice president.

This revelation comes on the eve of the scheduled House inquiry into a potential impeachment of President Biden. The core issue under scrutiny is Joe Biden’s supposed involvement in dubious business transactions purportedly benefiting his son Hunter and other Biden family members.

Bank transaction records obtained by the committee reportedly indicate that on July 26, 2019, Hunter Biden received a $10,000 wire from a Chinese individual named Wang Xin. This was followed by a $250,000 wire transfer from Li and Tang Ling on Aug. 2, 2019. Notably, both transactions were said to have been initiated in Beijing, and the beneficiary address mentioned was Joe Biden’s Wilmington residence.

Rep. Comer mentioned in his statement, “In the previous year, Joe Biden had assured the American public that no financial transactions occurred between his family and China. Our investigations earlier contradicted this claim, and now evidence points to two bank wires from Beijing directed to Biden’s Wilmington residence during his presidential campaign.”

The statement also highlighted Joe Biden’s interactions with Jonathan Li, who holds the CEO position at BHR Partners, an investment firm. Historical records suggest that when Joe Biden was serving as vice president to Barack Obama, he and his son traveled on Air Force 2 to China for a meeting with Li.

The committee alleges that following this meeting, BHR acquired its business license, and subsequently, Hunter Biden became a part of their board.

The committee also drew attention to a declaration made by Hunter Biden’s lawyer, George Mesires, on Oct. 13, 2019, where he claimed that Hunter had not received any funds from BHR or disclosed any financial transactions with Li. However, on Oct. 22, 2020, President Biden’s statement contradicted this by mentioning President Donald Trump’s financial dealings with China.

Rep. Comer emphasized his concerns regarding the potential misuse of Joe Biden’s official position for familial financial advantages. He posed the question, “What was the purpose of these funds from Beijing?” Comer argued that the American public has the right to clarity and accountability regarding potential conflicts of interest within the first family. The Oversight Committee, in collaboration with the Judiciary and Ways and Means committees, is committed to tracing these financial paths for transparency and accountability.

