McCarthy: Gaetz to Meet Similar Fate as Santos

Congressman Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, drew a parallel between the ethical inquiries facing Congressman Matt Gaetz, a Republican from Florida, and those of Congressman George Santos, a Republican from New York.

McCarthy mentioned in the interview, “I believe when that ethics complaint is filed, he [Gaetz] could encounter similar issues as those faced by Santos.”

The House Committee on Ethics is currently examining Gaetz, focusing primarily on allegations of sexual misconduct and illegal drug use, as reported by the New York Post. This scrutiny comes at a time when the committee has also released a report on Santos, who faces a 23-count indictment and accusations of misappropriating campaign funds for personal expenses.

Gaetz, defending his position against the ethics investigation, has been vocal about his situation. He stated, “I am the most scrutinized man in the United States Congress. The Ethics Committee’s interest in me seems to fluctuate based on my standing with the speaker.”

Despite undergoing thorough federal probes, including charges related to involvement with underage girls, Gaetz remains uncharged. In August, the Federal Election Commission absolved him of using campaign finances for legal costs linked to these investigations.

Gaetz reacted to this clearance on Twitter, stating, “Exonerated. Again. 5-0 vote.”

