Lara Trump: Biden Hurts Unions on Immigration

Lara Trump, the face behind “The Right View” podcast, recently commented about the disparity between President Joe Biden’s public image of being pro-union and the real-life implications of his energy and immigration policies on the workforce.

In a segment on “Rob Schmitt Tonight,” Lara Trump, who is also Eric Trump’s wife, critiqued Biden’s brief stopover at a United Auto Workers demonstration near Detroit.

Speaking about Biden’s short 11-minute appearance, she remarked, “Considering the expenditure involved in flying Air Force One to Michigan, it’s hard to see the value in such a brief visit. Remember, it’s the taxpayers who foot this bill.”

She went on to highlight a potential contradiction, observing that while Biden showed support to the auto workers, his strong push for electric vehicles and lax immigration stances might undercut their job security and wages. “By endorsing electric cars and inadvertently allowing a surge of inexpensive labor via undocumented immigrants crossing the southern border, he’s putting the same workers’ livelihoods at risk,” she opined.

Lara Trump also suggested that if the Biden administration formulated policies with tangible positive impacts on the nation, there wouldn’t be such an effort to enhance Biden’s image.

Her observations come at a time when employees from approximately 40 factories associated with General Motors and Stellantis N.V., spanning 20 states, are rallying for better pay. The unfolding situation could potentially impact around 5,600 employees.

Furthermore, since the inception of the strike on Sept. 15, Ford’s extensive Michigan Assembly Plant has been inactive. Fortunately, escalations were averted as both parties involved in the dispute indicated headway in their discussions.

A recent estimate by Deutsche Bank revealed that the cumulative production loss for companies like General Motors, Stellantis, and Ford has exceeded 16,000 vehicles since the strike’s onset.

In her conversation with Schmitt, Lara Trump hinted that Biden’s overtures might inadvertently reduce the likelihood of striking workers leaning Democratic in their support. “Considering the optics and implications, perhaps President Biden might have been better off relaxing at the White House,” she concluded.

