Hunter Biden Sues IRS Over Whistleblowers’ Disclosures

On Monday, Hunter Biden initiated legal proceedings against the IRS, asserting that the confidentiality owed to him as a taxpayer was breached by two agency informants, as documented by The Washington Post.

In July, IRS informants Gary Shapley and Joe Ziegler testified during a congressional hearing, claiming that the Justice Department under President Joe Biden had effectively hampered and downplayed the criminal probe into Hunter Biden’s alleged tax violations.

The recent lawsuit maintains that Hunter Biden, just like any other citizen of the United States, is bound by identical obligations and is entitled to the same rights, without any exceptions. It further highlights that no governmental entity or representative has the authority to infringe upon his privileges solely based on his identity, as per the details provided by the Post.

The lawsuit accuses Shapley and Ziegler of overstepping legal boundaries by divulging information on the investigation and Hunter Biden’s financial matters to Congress and media outlets, information that is supposed to be protected by law.

The legal document describes the informants’ actions as a breach of Mr. Biden’s rights, involving the widespread dissemination of his classified tax details through multiple unauthorized interviews broadcasted nationally and through various public remarks, according to information obtained by the Post.

Moreover, the lawsuit asserts that these revelations encompassed intricate details concerning the specific years being scrutinized, the deduction amounts, and the essence of these deductions, along with claims about liabilities concerning specific years and their corresponding values. These insights could only have been acquired through a direct examination of the tangible tax documents.

Last week, Hunter Biden faced formal accusations of misinformation regarding a firearm acquisition, and unlawful possession due to his drug dependency issues.

Initially, he had consented to admit guilt for neglecting to settle over $100,000 in tax dues for 2017 and 2018. However, this agreement was nullified in August when a federal magistrate expressed concerns over the potential restriction it might place on the prosecution from pursuing charges related to the firearm concerns.

As the Post noted, special counsel David Weiss may present a fresh set of charges against Hunter Biden in a different federal jurisdiction, centered on alleged financial discrepancies identified during a review of his financial records from 2014 to 2019.

