Hunter Biden Stayed at WH Amid Criminal Probe

Hunter Biden, along with his wife and child, resided at the White House for a fortnight from the end of June, right before his anticipated plea deal concerning federal tax and gun violations fell through, as per The Washington Post.

Several of President Joe Biden’s staff were seemingly in the dark about Hunter’s prolonged visit, which had informally indicated the closing of a challenging period in Hunter’s life, as conveyed by the Post.

This stay followed a period when Hunter Biden’s legal team seemed to be on the brink of finalizing a plea arrangement with the Justice Department regarding the said crimes, which, they assumed, would exempt the president’s son from incarceration. Additionally, the legal representatives wrapped up a child support agreement concerning a child Hunter fathered in 2018 with an Arkansas woman.

However, the anticipated plea deal met an unexpected turn on July 26, as Hunter Biden asserted his innocence.

Subsequent to this, a federal judge in Delaware, in a procedural action, dismissed two of Hunter’s minor tax charges after David Weiss’s appointment as the special counsel in this matter.

Hunter Biden and his family checked into the White House on June 21 and departed on July 5. Throughout his time at the official residence, Hunter made appearances at official functions such as a state dinner for the Indian premier and a Fourth of July event, along with spending quality time at Camp David.

The deep bond President Joe Biden shares with his son, according to insiders, is both touching yet presents challenges for his campaign.

The Post mentioned, “While many within the White House typically sidestep discussing Hunter’s issues directly with the president, believing it might not be well-received, there remains an underlying concern regarding its emotional impact on President Biden.” This statement relied on inputs from multiple anonymous sources familiar with the internal dynamics of the Biden family.

The very day the expected plea deal hit a snag, July 26, saw first lady Jill Biden overseas. President Biden’s itinerary allowed moments for him to stay updated on his son’s legal developments. There was a prevailing caution amongst some staff regarding presenting the president to the media amidst the ongoing court proceedings, as noted by the Post.

Addressing the matter, White House representative Ian Sams commented, “Both the President and First Lady deeply care for their son, stand by him, and commend him for triumphing over his addiction and making amends in his life.”

