Gov. Ron DeSantis: Polls Push to Get Trump In, Biden Out

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis suspects that the Washington Post/ABC News poll showing former President Trump leading President Joe Biden by 10 points is narrative-driven.

DeSantis pointed to the poll results showing Trump leading Biden among voters under 35 by 20 points as begging the question about the narrative goals behind publishing a self-described “outlier” result. He said that the “corporate press” is trying to turn Democrats away from a Biden reelection campaign to get another candidate like California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom in the race.

DeSantis said that Biden will not just “step down willingly” and that the Democrat establishment is “really, really concerned” about running against a Republican like him. He also said that he thinks the Democrats believe Trump will help energize their base to come out in ways that maybe some other Republicans won’t.

DeSantis concluded by saying that he thinks the Democrats are looking for a way to get away from Biden because he is “floundering on the world stage.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has accused the “corporate press” of publishing narrative-driven polls in an attempt to get Donald Trump the GOP nomination and potentially drive Joe Biden out of running for reelection. DeSantis pointed to the poll results showing Trump leading Biden among voters under 35 by 20 points as begging the question about the narrative goals behind publishing a self-described “outlier” result.

DeSantis also said that he thinks the Democrats believe Trump will help energize their base to come out in ways that maybe some other Republicans won’t. He concluded by saying that he thinks the Democrats are looking for a way to get away from Biden because he is “floundering on the world stage.”

It is important to note that DeSantis is a Republican politician and his views on the poll results may be biased. However, his comments raise interesting questions about the role of the media in shaping public opinion.

