Giuliani Says: Biden ‘Governs by Dictate’

The recent apprehension of former President Donald Trump exemplifies a distortion of justice against a political adversary akin to tactics employed by dictatorships, as Rudy Giuliani articulated to Newsmax.

“The overarching historical perspective stemming from this event is the most absolute undermining of the Department of Justice as a champion of justice in the country’s history,” Giuliani conveyed on the “Saturday Report.” “No prior attorney general or president, even during Watergate, have completely taken over the way these individuals have.

“It’s challenging to differentiate between the FBI, the Justice Department, and the state law enforcement in East Germany or Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia currently, or even China.”

Amid House Republicans revealing accusations of potential $30 million acquisitions by the Biden family through foreign influence exploitation schemes, President Joe Biden has unleashed the full power of the federal government onto his primary political opponent.

“They operate on the command of the dictator,” Giuliani remarked to host Rita Cosby.

“And Biden, it should be noted, rules by decree. He’s been overruled by the Supreme Court on three or four occasions. They’re essentially safeguarding him in what is arguably the largest scandal in the nation’s history, undoubtedly.

“I can’t think of any president who has had a criminal career remotely comparable to this president.” Regrettably, Giuliani stated, his warnings went unheeded before Biden was elected.

“I’m fully aware of the details, and I’ve been dealing with it for four years,” he went on. “I’m relieved to see that it’s finally reaching the American public and somewhat disheartened by the fact that I disclosed much of this information three years ago.”

During his presidency, Trump assigned Giuliani to probe Ukraine corruption linked to Biden. Giuliani tried to disclose to the world accusations of Biden’s bribery schemes.

“I’ve always had faith that we would eventually unravel this,” Giuliani assured Cosby. “I didn’t know when it would happen, but I have an unwavering belief in justice. I reckon that the overwhelming majority of Americans, when informed about what’s happening—if they can overcome the indoctrination they’ve been subject to—would be horrified by the events.”

“Our country has been stolen from us. The Biden administration has taken our nation away.”

