Ex-Rep. Collins: Rep. Bowman Must Face Consequences

Former U.S. Republican Representative Doug Collins from Georgia expressed on Monday his belief that Democratic Representative Jamaal Bowman of New York should be held accountable by both the House of Representatives and D.C. judiciary after his act of activating a fire alarm in Capitol Hill.

“This is a matter that shouldn’t be overlooked. At the very least, it’s a misdemeanor, and if there’s evidence suggesting he aimed to obstruct ongoing proceedings, it could escalate to a felony,” Collins remarked on “American Agenda.” “It’s a challenge to prove such intentions, but the point remains — there must be repercussions for his actions. It’s now up to the House and D.C. courts to decide.”

Bowman clarified that his act of pulling the fire alarm on Saturday in the Cannon House Office Building was accidental. The incident took place as the House was deliberating on a provisional funding bill. He explained in a press release that he struggled to open a door and assumed the fire alarm might help with that. He refuted any claims of trying to hinder the House’s vote.

Collins added, “Making an impulsive mistake is one thing. But his subsequent explanations have raised eyebrows. I’d assume most people are familiar with the purpose of fire alarms — they’re for emergencies, not for when you can’t navigate a door.”

He continued, “His explanation seems out of place, particularly with the current climate in D.C. If he had issues accessing the Capitol, he could’ve taken alternative steps, like informing his team or using other means of communication. Triggering an alarm wasn’t the right choice.”

