Emerson College Poll: Trump Leads Biden in Arizona

A recent poll by Emerson College revealed that 45% of registered Arizona voters favor former President Donald Trump, while 43% lean towards President Joe Biden in a theoretical 2024 election scenario.

The survey’s details, disclosed on Tuesday, are as follows:

  • An alternative 9% preferred another candidate, while the remaining participants were uncertain.
  • When third-party contender Cornel West was introduced, Trump garnered 42% support versus Biden’s 41%.
  • West was the choice for 4% of the respondents.
  • Another 6% opted for a different candidate.
  • 7% remained undecided.
  • Among Republican primary voters, 58% indicated they’d vote for Trump.
  • Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was favored by 11%.
  • Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie had the backing of 6%.
  • 4% showed support for entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.
  • South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former Vice President Mike Pence, and Nikki Haley, ex-U.S. Ambassador to the UN, each had 3% of the respondents’ support.
  • All other Republican candidates secured less than 1%.
  • On the Democratic side, Biden was the primary choice for 65%, with Robert Kennedy Jr. gaining 10% support.
  • A notable 21% were undecided.

This poll, carried out between August 2nd and 4th, involved 1,337 registered voters and has a 2.6% margin of error.

