Biden Replaced By This 2024 Presidential Nominee

On Monday, Kari Lake suggested that the Democratic Party might consider Gov. Gavin Newsom of California as an alternative to President Joe Biden for their 2024 presidential candidate.

Appearing on “Eric Bolling The Balance,” the GOP contender for one of Arizona’s U.S. Senate positions shared her perspective, implying that there are signs Democrats might be considering a shift away from Biden.

She commented, “Observe Gavin Newsom’s actions. His leadership in California has raised eyebrows, but there’s chatter suggesting that Democrats might be positioning him for a potential run.”

Just last week, Newsom traveled to China and had a conversation with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Lake remarked, “The dynamics are clear if you’re attentive. Newsom’s engagement with significant global leaders like Xi hints at a larger strategy, possibly influenced by those pulling the strings within the Democratic Party.”

She further posited that the motivation to possibly elevate Newsom could be due to perceptions of Biden’s leadership. Lake speculated, “The overarching sentiment might be that with Biden at the helm, the Democratic Party is on shaky ground.”

She added, “It’s early to predict, but it appears Newsom is positioning himself. The Democratic establishment might be realizing that both Biden and [Vice President] Kamala Harris might not resonate with voters in the next election.”

Currently, Biden’s approval metrics are underwhelming, with an approval rate less than 40% and disapproval nearing 54%, as per a FiveThirtyEight poll aggregation.

A recent CNN and SSRS survey from August highlighted that a substantial 67% of potential Democrat voters are leaning towards a different candidate than Biden for the upcoming presidential election.

When participants were queried about their primary reservations regarding Biden’s 2024 campaign, 49% pointed to his age, 14% to his cognitive state or health, 7% questioned his capability, and 6% debated his popularity and potential to win. A mere 5% expressed having no reservations.

Kari Lake announced her U.S. Senate candidacy on October 10 and swiftly secured an endorsement from former President Donald Trump via a Truth Social video message.

Should she secure the GOP nomination, Lake is set to compete against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who transitioned from Democrat to independent, and Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego in a much-anticipated three-contender showdown.

