Biden Gets Lost at FEMA: ‘Where Am I Going?’

During a visit to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) headquarters, President Joe Biden, aged 80, appeared to have a moment of confusion, which was termed as a “senior moment” by a news website, The First. After addressing the reporters, Biden started walking away and then asked his team, “Where am I going?”, as reported by The First.

The news outlet titled its story “SENIOR MOMENT: Biden Forgets Where He is, at FEMA HQ, Asks ‘Where Am I Going?'” Moments before this incident, Biden had told reporters that a significant amount of money is required to address the challenges posed by climate change deniers, with FEMA workers present in the background.

A recent poll conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research indicated that 77% of Americans believe Biden is too old to effectively serve as president for another four years.

This incident follows a series of physical and verbal missteps by Biden, including stumbling while ascending the stairs of Air Force One as he departed from Helsinki, Finland, as reported by Newsweek. This occurrence raised questions among reporters who had previously noticed a “Watch your step” sign on the stairs leading to Air Force One during Biden’s arrival in the United Kingdom.

Biden has had multiple instances of tripping while walking up the stairs to Air Force One and making verbal errors that have attracted attention. For example, prior to the G-7 summit in May, he appeared disoriented and needed guidance from Japan’s leader, Fumio Kishida, before almost falling down some stairs, as reported by the New York Post.

Other verbal mistakes made by Biden include mistakenly referring to Cambodia as Colombia during an international summit led by Southeast Asian leaders, and incorrectly stating that Russian troops were withdrawing from “Fallujah” while responding to a question about the Ukraine War.

