Biden Gets Away With This Illegal Scheme?

House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer of Kentucky highlighted inconsistencies in the explanations provided by the Bidens regarding a substantial monetary transaction. Comer suggested that the Bidens are in a difficult position due to their assertion that the $240,000 transferred from James Biden to President Joe Biden was for the reimbursement of a loan.

Comer pointed out the challenge in justifying a loan repayment when there is an apparent lack of funds in one’s bank account. On the show, he contended that the funds James used to pay the President were likely derived from dubious influence operations.

“There’s a complete absence of documentation to back up the loan repayment claim,” Comer asserted. He emphasized that scrutiny of James Biden’s bank records, which he has done repeatedly, shows no significant balance that could account for the checks written to Joe Biden, except for money linked to alleged influence transactions.

The Kentucky representative detailed findings of $200,000 originating from the financially troubled Americore Health and an additional amount of $40,000, which he described as a percentage of a larger sum received by Hunter Biden in a text message that allegedly involved a Chinese businessperson.

Comer concluded that these figures leave little room for the Bidens to refute that the President profited from the controversial $240,000. By describing the transaction as a loan repayment in the memo line, Comer argues they have trapped themselves in their own narrative.

He insisted that the situation further showcases discrepancies in the President’s disclosures to the public, declaring, “It was not a loan, and this is just added proof of the President’s lack of candor with the American citizenry.”

