Biden Exposed For This Alarming Controversy

On Tuesday, Judiciary Committee Chairman of the House, Jim Jordan, a Republican from Ohio, took a significant step by issuing a subpoena to Lesley Wolf, the Assistant U.S. Attorney for Delaware, who is a pivotal player in the ongoing investigation involving Hunter Biden. According to claims made by whistleblowers from the IRS, Wolf has allegedly been obstructive in efforts to probe into activities related to President Joe Biden.

The call for Wolf’s appearance is scheduled for December 7, coinciding with the one-month mark following testimony by special counsel and U.S. Attorney for Delaware, David Weiss. This subpoena is part of a series of actions taken by Jordan and his fellow GOP members in an extensive impeachment inquiry targeting President Joe Biden. Last week, subpoenas were also issued to Hunter Biden and James Biden, the president’s brother.

This inquiry centers on two key areas: the international business dealings of the Biden family and the Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden investigation. Republicans have raised concerns about the investigation being deliberately delayed and obstructed since its initiation in 2018.

Jordan’s communication, which was accessed and reported by Newsmax, alleges that Wolf veered away from usual investigative procedures. This claim is backed by testimonies from IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler. Some of the specific allegations include informing defense lawyers about a possible search warrant for Hunter Biden’s unclaimed storage unit and then opposing its execution, preventing investigators from inquiring about “the big guy” or “dad,” assumed to be President Biden, instructing removal of any mention of “Political Figure 1” (President Biden) in a search warrant, blocking follow-up on potential criminal campaign finance violations, and barring interviews with Hunter Biden’s adult children.

In his letter, Jordan emphasizes Wolf’s crucial involvement in the Hunter Biden case and her potential insights into any possible interference by President Biden in both the Department’s and their committee’s investigations. He also expressed dissatisfaction with the Justice Department’s lack of cooperation in allowing Wolf to testify, dismissing their reasons as inadequate.

Earlier this month, Weiss testified in a closed session, denying any political interference in the investigation. He reaffirmed his complete authority in pursuing charges against Hunter Biden, countering allegations of any hindrance in the investigative process.

