Akon’s Senegal Project: A Path to Wealth and the U.S. Impact

Renowned R&B artist Akon is garnering attention for his visionary urban development initiative within Senegal, a nation dear to his soul, where he maintains that African Americans who join him in investment could achieve millionaire status. Moreover, he proposes that this unified investment, entailing a potential move from the U.S. to Africa, could yield significant ramifications for a nation that has a historical backdrop of oppressing them.

Born as Aliaune Damala Badara Thiam in St. Louis, Missouri, Akon spent a significant portion of his formative years in Senegal, fostering a deep connection with the continent. In 2020, he expressed his ambition for Senegal to serve as the primary destination for those of African descent from America, Europe, and elsewhere, marking the inception of his reported $6 billion undertaking.

The multi-talented “Angel” singer’s unwavering belief in Africa led him to initiate the construction of a new city within Senegal, launched with the cooperation of the Senegalese government. His vision revolves around establishing a cutting-edge community with an economy underpinned by his unique “Akoin” cryptocurrency.

Akon views this project as a transformative opportunity for Black Americans to advance themselves. Despite encountering setbacks caused by the global pandemic and economic downturn, the project remains on track with a ten-year development plan.

Recently, Akon took to the REVOLT podcast to advocate his pan-African city concept. On the show, he emphasized that the African continent represents a “holy grail” for Black Americans due to the manifold opportunities awaiting them. He argued that African Americans bring invaluable skills, knowledge, and resources, suggesting that their presence in Africa could lead to widespread prosperity.

Akon underscored the role of Black Americans as a driving force behind the U.S. economy and contended that they could replicate this influence in Africa. He highlighted their significant contributions to building America, both in terms of labor and expertise, lamenting the lack of recognition and reparations for their efforts.

In his words, “We literally built America with our bare hands. Our labor, our sweat, our blood. But we’ve never got reparations for it, we never even got credit for it. We never even got recognized for it. And I think that’s what builds so much animosity and anger within our community itself, because we know how much our contribution is worth, but we never got our just due for what [sic] the contribution given.”

Furthermore, Akon envisioned his planned city in Senegal as a prototype for the future of Africa, capable of being replicated across the continent. His goal is to harness Africa’s abundant resources, manpower, and population to shape a brighter future.

Nevertheless, American Black Americans might find Senegal to be culturally distinct in many ways. Senegal’s economy centers on mining and agriculture, and it boasts a predominantly Muslim population of 96%. The official language is French, although English is taught as a secondary language in schools, and Portuguese Creole is also widely spoken.

Despite cultural differences, Senegal stands out as one of the most politically stable countries in Africa, characterized by a democratic system led by an elected president serving a five-year term. Its predominantly Muslim population contributes to a low risk of terrorism and regional conflicts.

However, Senegal has faced economic challenges, including a decline in tourism due to the pandemic and export disruptions resulting from the Ukraine conflict, causing a sluggish economic recovery.

Akon’s journey has not been without controversy, including accusations of mistreating women and embellishing his criminal record for self-promotion. In the late 2000s, he faced scrutiny for asserting that he was a “notorious” car theft ringleader

