9/11 Survivors Letter Urges Biden to Release Saudi Evidence

In a heartfelt plea to President Joe Biden, a group consisting of over 1,800 individuals – including survivors, emergency workers, and families of those lost in the tragedy – are calling on the U.S. administration to disclose all evidence that might shed light on the role Saudi operatives had in the tragic events.

Those affected by the devastating attacks on September 11, 2001, targeting the World Trade Center, Pentagon, and United flight 93, emphasize their two-decade-long quest for Saudi Arabia’s accountability.

The communique suggests that Saudi Arabia was heavily involved by offering tangible and financial support, logistics, and even personnel to the al-Qaida terrorist group. Interestingly, eleven out of the 14 assailants were of Saudi origin.

Speaking on behalf of the families, Brett Eagleson, the head of 9/11 Justice, expressed their profound frustration. He commented to Newsmax about the unanticipated struggles they face, “It’s unimaginable that our own government would be the barrier to closure and accountability.”

Eagleson voiced concerns that, despite Biden’s executive order two years ago directing relevant federal agencies to release documents linked to the 9/11 attacks, institutions like the FBI, DOJ, and CIA appear to be stalling.

The letter reads, “Our pursuit of clarity regarding Saudi Arabia’s and its officials’ roles in the 9/11 plot is once again, bafflingly, obstructed by our government.”

This call for action follows news suggesting that the DOJ might be approaching a plea bargain with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, believed to be one of the key planners of the 9/11 attacks. The families are concerned that such a move would not only prevent a public hearing but also shield crucial information about other potential conspirators from the public and the affected families.

Eagleson stated that any such deal would seemingly protect the “actual involvement of the Saudi administration.”

He added, “Our frustration stems from our government’s persistent reluctance to let the truth emerge.”

Although appreciative of Biden’s initial executive order, the signatories also highlighted that key documents they have been seeking remain undisclosed.

Specifically, the group seeks:

  • Omar al-Bayoumi’s genuine phone logs, the alleged Saudi agent who is said to have supported hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi when they relocated to San Diego.
  • FBI’s analytical reports linking the hijackers, Bayoumi, and a Saudi representative in Los Angeles, Fahad al-Thumairy, who supposedly met with Mihdhar and Hazmi immediately upon their U.S. arrival.
  • Flight booking details for Mihdhar and Hazmi’s journey from Bangkok via Hong Kong to Los Angeles.

They underscored, “Despite our persistent appeals and contrary to the executive directive, crucial information remains inaccessible, even though it’s evidently in the FBI’s possession.”

Conclusively, the plea to President Biden encompasses three core demands: 1) To prioritize the victims’ needs over terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; 2) To resist caving into any government officials who might prioritize safeguarding reputations over transparency; and 3) To persistently back the victims in their pursuit of “truth and justice.”

