White House Says Impeachment Inquiry ‘Baseless’

On Tuesday, a memorandum from the White House accused the GOP members of Congress of initiating an “unfounded impeachment ploy”, allegedly aiming to pronounce President Joe Biden guilty prior to establishing any substantial proof. 

“The radically fervent segment of the House Republican group – whom Speaker McCarthy has entrusted with spearheading this unfounded impeachment ploy – have openly disclosed their strategy: ascertain guilt initially, and subsequently delve into the ‘evidence’,” cited the memorandum, as reported by The Hill.

Last week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, revealed that a probe looking into impeaching Biden will commence, following House inquiries that allegedly uncover “a pervasive culture of corruption” associated with Biden and his familial connections, as stated by the Associated Press on September 12th.

McCarthy elaborated on these claims of power misuse, obstructions, and corrupt actions during a session at the Capitol, affirming that these serious charges necessitate a deeper scrutiny by the House of Representatives, as per the statements captured by the AP.

Reacting promptly to these developments, Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House, countered these claims, emphasizing to the AP that the Republican faction has failed to produce any concrete proof substantiating Biden’s misconduct even after investigating for a span of nine months.

This unfolding report highlights that the initiation of an impeachment inquiry, which was traditionally an infrequent event, marks the commencement of a process that could potentially culminate in Biden’s impeachment and subsequent removal from the presidential office. The inquiry is spearheaded by Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, Representative James Comer of Kentucky, in collaboration with the House Judiciary Chairman, Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, and the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Representative Jason Smith of Missouri.

Sams reiterated to the AP that despite the nine-month-long probe led by the House Republicans, no tangible evidence against the president has been unearthed. 

Furthermore, The Hill disclosed on Tuesday that the White House is actively seeking to rally support from Republicans who harbor doubts regarding the legitimacy of the impeachment investigation, including Representative Ken Buck, a Republican from Colorado. 

Buck, in a written commentary, criticized the arguments posited by McCarthy and his associates, accusing the GOP representatives of building a case based on “fictitious historical narratives” in their quest to forward the impeachment. 

The memo from the White House vehemently condemned this course of action, denouncing it as a blatant political maneuver unsupported not just by the administration, Democratic members of Congress, or mainstream media outlets, but also dismissed by their own party members in the Republican ranks. The memo further emphasized, “This ongoing futile endeavor not only showcases their political motivations but also underscores the theatrical nature of this investigation.”

