Violent Protests Result of ‘Cultural Marxism’

During a recent television appearance, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas commented on the escalating tensions surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict. He observed that pro-Palestinian demonstrators have shown increased aggression compared to those supporting Israel, attributing this to the influence of “cultural Marxism.”

Senator Cruz shared his views during an interview while a group of pro-Palestinian activists obstructed a major bridge in San Francisco. Their protest coincided with the APEC summit and was aimed at urging a halt to the hostilities between Israel and Hamas.

This event came on the heels of an altercation outside the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee in Washington, D.C., where Capitol Police in riot gear confronted approximately 200 protesters calling for a cease-fire.

Senator Cruz contrasted these incidents with a large, peaceful rally supporting Israel. He participated in the “March for Israel,” which he described as tranquil and unifying. In contrast, he noted the marked violence in protests at various locations, including universities, where he pointed out a significant rise in antisemitic incidents. Cruz linked these developments to what he perceives as the pervasive effect of cultural Marxism in American institutions.

Support for Israel was also strongly evident at a large gathering on the National Mall, which drew thousands of participants under strict security measures. They united across party lines in opposition to Hamas, echoing the sentiment of “never again.”

In the context of his newly released book, “Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America,” Cruz also discussed a bill regarding Israeli aid. He criticized the Democratic Party for not supporting the bill in the Senate, despite its passage in the House. Cruz expressed disappointment at the unanimous Democratic opposition to emergency military aid for Israel, framing it as a critical issue of supporting a nation in a life-or-death conflict against terrorism.

Finally, Cruz expressed his concern about what he perceives as biased media coverage, which he believes shields the Democratic Party from scrutiny on issues like military aid to Israel. He accused mainstream media outlets of failing to report objectively, thus allowing Democratic lawmakers to avoid accountability for their actions regarding Israel.

