Trump’s Unprecedented GOP Lead Revealed

In a recent poll by McLaughlin & Associates, former President Donald Trump garners the support of 55% of Republican primary voters. In comparison, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and ex-Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, both attract 8% support each.

In a theoretical face-off, Trump holds a 3-point lead over current President Joe Biden.

Diving deeper into the preferences of GOP primary voters:

  • 7% express their support for businessman Vivek Ramaswamy
  • 6% align with the former Vice President, Mike Pence
  • Chris Christie, the previous Governor of New Jersey, has 3% in his favor
  • Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina is the choice for 2% of respondents
  • Any other candidates received less than 2% in the poll

Considering a potential four-way presidential contest among the general populace:

  • 38% would choose Trump
  • Biden is preferred by 35%
  • 12% would lean towards Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
  • Cornel West receives the nod from 2% of those polled

This survey, carried out between Oct. 22-26, reached out to 1,000 probable voters.

