Trump Praises Tuberville for Holds, Taking On ‘Radical Left’

Former President and leading Republican figure Donald Trump lauded Senator Tommy Tuberville for his stance on military promotions, shortly after the Senate, controlled by Democrats, took action aligned with Tuberville’s recommendations—approving military promotions individually.

The Senate gave the green light to Gen. Charles “C.Q.” Brown as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, succeeding Gen. Mark Milley. They also confirmed Gen. Eric Smith as the upcoming Marine Corps commandant and Gen. Randy George as the future Army chief of staff.

“On Truth Social, Trump celebrated Tuberville’s victory, stating, “BIG WIN FOR TOMMY. Unlike McConnell’s crew who typically rubber-stamp Democratic proposals, Tuberville is not afraid to confront the extremists on the Left who are undermining our nation. What a stark contrast!”

Tuberville, who had placed more than 300 unanimous consent holds on military promotions, has consistently pushed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to handle the promotions via individual votes. Schumer had previously declined, citing concerns about setting a precedent and the immense amount of Senate floor time it would consume—approximately 700 hours.

Speaking to Newsmax, Tuberville noted, “My aim was to show that these individuals can indeed be confirmed. If they are brought up one by one, I can’t block them. So we adhered to regular protocols and it was accomplished.”

The Senator emphasized that his hold on promotions is still in effect, but this could pave the way for more piecemeal confirmations. “I maintain my hold and reserve the right to reestablish it for future nominees,” Tuberville confirmed on the Senate floor.

On the topic of lifting his holds, Tuberville has consistently stated he will only do so when Congress addresses the Pentagon’s abortion policy through a formal vote. 

“Let’s revert the policy and have a vote on it,” Tuberville declared earlier in the week. “The American public deserves to have their say through a vote, especially on such a divisive subject.”

Tuberville previously told Newsmax that he is willing to respect the outcome of the vote, but insists that a vote must take place.

The current Pentagon policy on abortion allows for the coverage of travel expenses and grants leave for service members seeking the procedure. While only a small number of service members utilize this provision, according to Defense Department statistics, officials argue that the policy plays a vital role in recruitment.

