Trump: ‘Nobody’ Attended Biden’s ‘Surrender’ Speech at UN

The GOP’s leading figure and ex-President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden’s recent address at the United Nations General Assembly held in New York.

Trump expressed on Truth Social, “Following Biden’s capitulation ‘speech’ at the United Nations, it appears that despite the numerous contributions we have made, there was a lack of attendance. It seems America no longer commands respect!”

Significantly, key figures such as French leader Emmanuel Macron and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak were absent at the assembly, leaving the United States as the only representative out of the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council in attendance.

Commenting on the noticeable absences, Richard Gowan, the U.N. coordinator for the International Crisis Group, remarked to CBS News, “The fact that Sunak and Macron are missing, even if they have reasons, is quite revealing.”

Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, was among other leaders who were absent. Additionally, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to forgo the event, with Xi also missing the recent G-20 summit in India.

During his address, Biden urged the attending dignitaries, including Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and the Russian U.N. ambassador, to unite to support Ukraine amidst the ongoing Russian assault.

Biden emphasized, “Russia is under the impression that global fatigue will eventually permit its ongoing aggression in Ukraine without repercussions. We must ponder – can any nation’s autonomy be guaranteed if Ukraine’s sovereignty is compromised?”

The current U.S. administration is coordinating with Congress to allocate an additional $24 billion to strengthen Ukraine’s defenses. Contrarily, Trump indicated that he is not prepared to promise funds for Ukraine should he win the 2024 elections, confidently stating his capability to cease the conflict within a day.

Zelenskyy, who also addressed the assembly later that day, is slated to confer with Biden and other congressional leaders during a Thursday visit to the White House.

Further Controversies?

Biden is also facing criticisms for another facet of his international strategy: a recent prisoner exchange agreement with Iran, which has incited fury among Republicans, including Trump. The opposition perceives the deal as a sign of the administration’s concession, especially amidst Iran’s seeming advancements in nuclear armament development.

The arrangement, which saw Congress being notified last week, involves the provision of a sanction waiver enabling Iran to access approximately $6 billion of previously frozen oil revenues. As part of the deal, the U.S. consented to release five Iranians held in the country in return for the freedom of five Americans in Iranian custody.

Trump, who intends to compete against Biden in the 2024 elections, echoed sentiments of perceived administrative frailty in his reactions to the deal’s announcements on Truth Social. He criticized the agreement, saying, “Just to clarify, we engaged in a hostage exchange with Iran, releasing five individuals whom they greatly sought after, while securing the release of 5 Americans. However, we also relinquished 6 billion dollars to them. One wonders what portion Joe Biden is pocketing from this. Can people grasp the enormity of 6 billion dollars?”

The administration responded firmly, rejecting the notion of a concession, and clarified that it was not a case of utilizing American taxpayer’s funds to appease Iran. Instead, they explained that the move was to allow Iran to use its assets – revenues which, according to them, were generated during Trump’s tenure. The administration assured the funds would be stringently overseen and exclusively channeled towards humanitarian efforts.

Nevertheless, several other Republicans echo Trump’s apprehensions, arguing that the deal portrays a vulnerability that might encourage other non-compliant nations.

