Trump: DOJ Must Withdraw Indictment, Issue Apology

Ex-President Donald Trump has urged the Department of Justice to promptly cancel its accusation against him and substitute it with an apology, alluding to the Presidential Records Act.

Trump communicated this message on his Truth Social platform, endorsing an article penned by attorney Michael Bekesha in the Wall Street Journal, in which Bekesha contested that a president can select which records to maintain or discard and that the National Archives is powerless to interfere.

“The Presidential Records Act empowers the president to determine which documents to keep or return after his term concludes. The National Archives and Records Administration has no power to challenge this. I speak from experience, having been the attorney who was unsuccessful in the ‘Clinton sock drawer’ case,” stated Bekesha in the Journal.

On Tuesday, Trump asserted his innocence against 37 allegations connected to the purported mishandling of confidential papers.

He has made history as the first ex-U.S. president to be confronted with federal indictments.

In a Friday morning post on Truth Social, Trump, 77, voiced criticism against former White House chief of staff John Kelly. This was after Kelly’s comment stating that Trump was “terrified” about the charges.

“John Kelly projected an image of a ‘tough guy,’ but he was truly feeble and ineffective, possessing a significantly small ‘brain.’ He struggled to navigate the political world and was genuinely a worn-out and defeated man when I dismissed him,” Trump commented.

“He ultimately became a ‘mummy’ who merely sat in his office, gazing at the ceiling – he was ‘finished.’ I will always remember when his kind-hearted wife told me ‘John admires and respects you more than anyone else, and he will always speak highly of you.’ It seems that sentiment has evaporated!”

