Rep: Pat Fallon to Newsmax: Biden Border Policies Make ‘No Sense’

Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, criticized the Biden administration’s approach to border control, emphasizing in a Newsmax interview that the strategies during Trump’s presidency should have remained intact.

“Upon Biden’s inauguration, he dismantled effective measures from the Trump era, such as the migrant protection protocols, commonly referred to as ‘Wait in Mexico.’ Under this system, asylum seekers would stay in Mexico while their cases were processed. Furthermore, despite allocated funds, Biden halted the wall construction,” Fallon commented on the “National Report” on Tuesday.

“He squandered billions of dollars meant for the wall. This decision is baffling and has left Texas with a $10 billion bill. We’re now hoping the federal government will compensate us,” Fallon added.

He also endorsed the idea of other Republican-governed states deploying their National Guard units to bolster border security.

“With the decisions made by Biden in recent years, every state is effectively a border state now,” he pointed out.

Fallon did not mince words when discussing the cartels active along the border.

“These illegal border crossings are perilous. Cartels are cashing in, charging individuals up to $4,000 each to facilitate their crossing. Their yearly revenue from drug trafficking alone is estimated at around $25 billion. When you factor in their charges for smuggling, they’re raking in an additional estimated $12 billion,” stated Fallon.

Furthermore, he highlighted the grim reality many face while attempting the crossing. “Reports suggest that nearly a third of women journeying from the southern regions of Mexico or Central America face sexual assault or rape. And a recent report I came across indicated that up to 60% of unattended minors are exploited by these cartels in some way, be it through forced involvement in drug trade or child exploitation.”

He concluded, “Maintaining an unsecured border is unethical, harming individuals both above and below its line.”

