Rep. Biggs: Hunter Biden Testimony ‘My Goal’

Representative Andy Biggs, a Republican from Arizona, aims to bring Hunter Biden before Congress to answer allegations concerning the Biden family financially benefiting while Joe Biden served as vice president.

“I am determined to have Hunter Biden appear and provide testimony,” stated Biggs, who is part of the House Oversight and Judiciary Committees” .

“He may choose to exercise his Fifth Amendment rights wherever possible, but we intend to invite him. It appears that he and his family gained from questionable dealings and alleged bribery schemes linked to the Biden family.”

Last week, House Leader Kevin McCarthy, a Republican from California, declared the initiation of an impeachment investigation of President Biden and his family. This follows recent congressional hearings uncovering potential influence trading and probable financial inducements from international bodies during Biden’s tenure as vice president under the Obama administration.

Biggs further remarked, “You can anticipate an expansion of the ongoing investigation, which necessitates this inquiry. This grants us amplified authority and capabilities.

“The legislative constraints do not bind us in this context since we focus on determining whether serious offenses and misconduct were perpetrated during this specific instance. The central question is whether Joe Biden misused his position while serving as vice president.”

Chair of the Oversight Committee, James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, informed CBS News on Tuesday that the committee plans to conduct its inaugural impeachment inquiry session the following week. They also intend to requisition banking details from a duo of Biden family members.

“The rationale behind requesting these banking documents is evident to every American, and they should either comply or prepare to face legal proceedings,” Comer informed journalists at Capitol Hill.

A committee representative confirmed to CBS that the slated date for the hearing is September 28, focusing on dissecting the “constitutional and legal facets tied to the president’s alleged participation in corrupt activities and misuse of official position.”

Biggs asserted that this investigation would accord the Republican members of the House GOP Oversight Committee expanded privileges to issue subpoenas for witness testimonies and documents than presently available, including summoning Hunter Biden.

The inquiry might also beckon James Biden, the president’s brother, to appear as a witness, as indicated by the report.

Furthermore, the committee anticipates hearing from legal specialists regarding the potential unlawful conduct inferred from the accumulated evidence.

