Israel Rejects Cease-Fire Until Palestine Does This

In a recent conversation between Israeli President Isaac Herzog and Vice President Kamala Harris, a crucial issue was addressed: the release of over 240 hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Herzog made it clear that there would be no cease-fire in the ongoing conflict until these hostages are freed. Harris, in turn, expressed her support for Israel’s right to defend itself and emphasized the importance of the well-being of the civilian population in Gaza.

During the discussion, Herzog reiterated the Israeli people’s gratitude for the unwavering support of President Joe Biden and his administration. The immediate and unconditional return of the hostages was highlighted as Israel’s primary concern. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stance was also echoed, stating that a cease-fire could not be achieved without the release of these hostages, who include individuals of all ages, from the elderly to children as young as 10 months old.

Israel’s commitment to international humanitarian law was emphasized by Herzog, as the country continues to defend itself and dismantle Hamas’s terrorist infrastructure, which is unfortunately intertwined with Gaza’s civilian population. Despite this challenge, Israel remains dedicated to providing humanitarian aid to Gaza, even as its own hostages are denied access to the International Red Cross and information about their well-being.

Additionally, both leaders expressed deep concern over the alarming increase in antisemitism worldwide. Herzog specifically highlighted the tragic death of a pro-Israel supporter following a pro-Hamas demonstration in the United States. This shared concern underscores the need for continued efforts to combat antisemitism and promote understanding and tolerance.

The conversation between President Herzog and Vice President Harris exemplifies the ongoing diplomatic efforts to address the complex situation in the Middle East. Both leaders acknowledge the importance of upholding humanitarian principles while ensuring the safety and well-being of their respective populations. As the conflict continues, it remains to be seen how the situation will evolve and whether a resolution can be reached that satisfies all parties involved.

