Hunter Biden’s Cocaine Found In White House?

The discovery of a white substance, later confirmed as cocaine, in a functional area of the West Wing of the White House on Sunday night has caused quite a stir.

Contrary to initial reports, an anonymous source from the U.S. Secret Service, verified by James Rosen of Newsmax, has refuted claims that the substance was unearthed in the library of the presidential abode.

“The information claiming that the substance was found in either the residence or the library is inaccurate,” the source disclosed to Rosen. “The actual location was a workspace within the West Wing, a considerable distance from the main mansion.”

Online, audio transmissions from the hazard materials inspection team of the Washington, D.C., fire department pertaining to the incident have made the rounds.

“There’s a yellow bar indicating cocaine hydrochloride,” an anonymous voice announced over the radio dispatch at 8:49:36 p.m. ET, the Sunday night in question.

The White House has independently verified the validity of this dispatch, as noted by a Tuesday report from The Washington Post.

The DeSantis campaign took to Twitter to criticize the Biden administration for perceived lapses in “decency” at the White House.

“Is this what he meant by restoring ‘decency’ to the White House?” the DeSantis War Room questioned on Twitter, sharing footage of an uproarious event involving semi-naked adults on the South Lawn, purportedly in defiance of President Biden’s pledge.

