Dallas mayor leaves Democratic Party, switches to GOP: ‘American cities need Republicans’

In a surprising political shift, the Mayor of Dallas, Eric Johnson, declared in a Friday opinion piece that he is leaving the Democratic Party to become a Republican. Published in the Wall Street Journal under the title “America’s Cities Need Republicans, and I’m Becoming One,” Johnson explained his departure from the Democratic Party by emphasizing the importance of law, order, and fiscal conservatism for the future of America’s cities.

Johnson argued that the health of urban centers is crucial to the nation and is best served by Republican principles, rather than the inconsistent, poll-driven commitment he attributes to many Democrats. “The GOP has long been defined by its genuine commitment to these principles, which is something our cities are in dire need of,” Johnson wrote.

He also pointed out that America’s demographic landscape has shifted significantly since the era of his political idol, Theodore Roosevelt. “When Roosevelt was born, only 20% of Americans lived in cities. That number had risen to 40% by the time he became President, and today, it’s 80%. The future of America is inevitably tied to the future of its cities,” Johnson noted.

Known for his vocal support of police departments, Johnson has been a counterpoint to other cities like Austin, Texas, which have opted to reduce police funding. Earlier this year, he shared an article on social media highlighting the declining morale and retirement rates among Austin police officers and invited them to serve in Dallas instead.

His pro-police stance has been praised by members of law enforcement. Dennis Farris of the Austin Police Retired Officers Association commented, “When you have a mayor who not only talks the talk but walks the walk in supporting the police, you see the impact on the city’s crime rates.”

Johnson’s leadership seems to resonate with his constituents, as evidenced by his re-election without facing a single challenger, a rarity in the politics of major American cities.

