Biden’s Latest Scandal Exposed – The Next Nixon?

During a recent interview, Representative Jeff Van Drew from New Jersey made significant allegations about President Joe Biden and his family, suggesting their involvement in various questionable activities. According to Van Drew, the issues surrounding the Biden family are more severe than those faced by former President Richard Nixon in the 1970s, which ultimately led to Nixon’s resignation.

Van Drew emphasized that the current situation involves potentially illicit benefits extended to various companies and individuals, some of whom do not align with American interests. He highlighted the involvement of Biden’s son, Hunter, in these alleged activities. Hunter Biden is accused of receiving payments from Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, despite lacking expertise in the energy sector. Additionally, there are claims about Hunter selling artwork to unnamed buyers and obtaining substantial loans from his lawyer to settle tax debts with the Internal Revenue Service.

Further, Van Drew pointed out Hunter Biden’s questionable involvement with Burisma and the alleged assistance he received from his father, who was then Vice President. This assistance reportedly included the removal of Viktor Shokin, a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating Burisma for corruption.

James Biden, Hunter’s brother, is also implicated, accused of benefiting from a failing company that purportedly sought to leverage the Biden name. Van Drew expressed his belief that these actions represent clear cases of influence peddling, and suggested there might be more undisclosed issues.

In light of these allegations, Van Drew stated that if he were representing Hunter Biden, he would advise against testifying before Congress, as subpoenaed. This statement follows a report on November 8 by The Associated Press, which stated that House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, had issued subpoenas to both Hunter and James Biden to testify before the committee. This move is part of a Republican-driven impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

Van Drew concluded by highlighting the various financial transactions involving the Biden family, including suspicious account activities and transfers, which he believes point to significant issues that need to be addressed.

