Biden Aims to Provide $2 Billion Aid Package to Israel and Ukraine

White House national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, made a significant announcement on Sunday regarding a forthcoming weapons package destined for Israel and Ukraine. Sullivan disclosed that the package’s financial allocation would far exceed the initial estimate of $2 billion.

Sullivan elaborated that U.S. President Joe Biden is set to engage in robust discussions with the U.S. Congress in the upcoming week, advocating the crucial necessity for approval of this substantial package. This proposal’s progress has, however, encountered a delay due to the ongoing struggles within the Republican party to designate a new Speaker of the House of Representatives, following the ousting of Kevin McCarthy by party hardliners nearly two weeks ago.

Biden’s approach to this matter has been to consider a consolidated budget request, encompassing aid for not only Israel and Ukraine but also potentially Taiwan. This strategy is designed to enhance the prospects of approval, particularly in light of some Republicans voicing calls to reduce funding for Kyiv.

When queried about the precise budget request figure, Sullivan responded, “Well, the final figure will be notably higher than the initial $2 billion estimate. It will unequivocally encompass the essential military resources required to safeguard freedom, protect sovereignty, and defend territorial integrity in Ukraine, while also assisting Israel in its fight against terrorist threats.”

